Tuesday, June 4, 2019

The Emotional Aspects of Snoring

Snoring does not affect the person who is actually snoring alone. Anyone close to a person who snores with any degree of severity understands this fact. 

How snoring affects the people around a person who snores is just as serious as the health risks involved. A person, who snores loudly; meaning as loud a running motorcycle or some other internal combustion device, can keep their partner from sleeping. 

A loud snorer can disrupt the whole house through the course of the night, every night.
This should begin to expose the vast area of problems that can arise due to snoring. A person who sleeps with someone who snores, or maybe shares the same room, or shares a wall between rooms, even so far as to be in the same building knows that trying to get a full night of deep, restful sleep is an exercise in futility. 

There is a lot of frustration involved with situations like these because the person snoring may be unaware of it, or believe there is nothing that can be done for it. Snoring can come with a costly emotional price tag; the following are few examples of emotional disturbances resulting from snoring:

·         Loss of sleep can cause depression or anxiety

·         Break up of relationships, including marriages

·         Eviction from dwelling for bothering tenants

·         Clashing living partners or neighbours due to sleep disruption

·         Poor performance at work leading to unemployment due to lack of sleep

·         Short term and long term memory issues from lack of sleep

·         Lack of compassion from those affected by snoring

These are but a few of the many emotional problems that are part and parcel of snoring. The effects of snoring are very far reaching and destructive to those subject to them.

Beneath the surface of each of these emotional states are the mental states associated to the person who snores and the person who has to deal with it. A few of the emotional states caused from snoring follow:

·         Exhaustion

·         Frustration

·         Resentment

·         Anger

·         Helplessness

·         Anguish

·         Desperation

·         Low self esteem

·         Confusion

It is not hard to see how lack sleep can affect ones demeanor, especially if it the loss of sleep is du to someone else’s snoring. One can quickly lose empathy for a person who snores when they are the on being kept up. So how can the snoring issue be solved? 

There are different schools of thought and many approaches to alleviating snoring which will be discussed shortly, but first the surgical approach will be addressed and why it should not be the first choice.

Stay on this page as we highlight into the remedies.
Thanks for reading.

By Efuribe Aaron

Content writer on finance,business related - Financial ... - Facebook

Men Snore the Most

Generally speaking, men do most of the snoring that goes on in the world. This has to do again, with the physical composition of the male body; in this case, the neck, which is typically thicker.  

Because the male neck is more often fleshier in nature, there is more tissue substance found within. Obviously, the more tissue there is in the neck and surrounding the breathing passages, the greater the likelihood of bombastic snoring.

Women have a natural defence to snoring in the form of Progesterone. Granted, there are woman who snore just a loud and violently as men, and even more so in some cases, but it is simply not as common as it is with males. Progesterone is used as a form of therapy for men who suffer from snoring.

Understanding Snoring

Snoring is understood to be any kind of resonant sound that emanates from breathing while sleeping. The crux of the snore is where the mouth and nasal passages meet; this is the point where breathing during sleep causes vibration; otherwise known as snoring.

This vibration is due to constricted breathing passages. As tight breathing passages are responsible for snoring, it should also be understood that the more pinched these passages are, the louder and more disruptive the snoring will be.

The reason snoring only occurs while slumbering is because the body is in a prone position in a relaxed state.

The airway consists of tissues that operate in a similar method to muscles. When a person sleeps, these tissues become somewhat flaccid; so when lying down this tissue literally blocks the breathing passage causing the sleeper to breath with difficulty, resulting in more forceful breathing which then equates to snoring.

 What Factors into How Loud a Person Snores?

Every person is unique in their composition and physical make up.

This affects why some people snore at a very loud volume. Included as part of snoring the tone and pitch; basically we all have the same parts yet we all have our own uniquely identifiable voice, this is true for snoring as well.

How loud an individual may snore depends on the various factors involved in the process.Because there is basically a flap of tissue closing off the airway we need to breathe, breathing becomes more labored and aggressive to supply our lungs, body and brain with oxygen; snoring is an audible sign that the body is fighting for air. 

This is an issue that can affect just about anyone, even babies.

The smaller the passages involved with breathing are during sleep, the more forceful the body will become in an effort to get the air it needs, thusly the tissue blocking the airway will vibrate in proportion to the force needed to get the vital oxygen our body is being deprived of. 

This is how a snore becomes so loud.

Monday, June 3, 2019

how to avoid snoring

Snoring is not just something people do, it is a symptom; snoring is a manifestation of damage that caused by an underlying issue. Because snoring has been wrongly considered a part of many, if not most people’s sleeping habits, the damage that causes people to snore has gone unrecognized in most people, this is true even today.

What is The Damage?

Sleep is the recuperative process we must have in order to be healthy and sharp. Snoring is a disturbance that can interrupt our sleep, causing us to wake up from trouble snoring represents in our ability to breathe well, and even from the noise snoring can generate. Snoring is just a problem the snoring person alone must deal with; this is something that can affect anyone within earshot, especially a partner sleeping in the same bed, or someone sharing the room. Another person snoring can keep a person from getting truly restful sleep; this can be absolute torture for a person who must share a bed or sleeping quarters with someone who snores.
Noise is the least of the problems snoring causes. In its ultimately damaging form, people die, not from snoring, but Sleep Apnea. Snoring is just the audible manifestation of Sleep Apnea, which is the term for when a person involuntarily stops breathing while asleep. It is the Sleep Apnea is that causes a snorer to breath so heavily, not to mention loudly. Sleep Apnea is what causes a person to wake up gasping, or to adjust their sleeping position over and over throughout the night. A lack of deep rest has a cumulative degenerative effect on a person, affecting their mood, temperament, and ability to focus, concentrate and be a productive individual.

How Bad Can It Be?

Snoring is often depicted as being cute, or humorous in the sense of how ridiculous a persons snoring can be, but let see how funny you think it would be if you were in that

position. If you have never had to sleep with a person who snores, consider this a blessing in your life; now let us compare the often bombastic nature of a persons snore. The following examples should give you an idea of what so many people must endure when trying to get a good nights rest; each of these items registers at least the number of decibels as the average person who snores:

·         A gas powered lawn mower in use

·         A shop vacuum in use

·         A motorcycle in use

·         A low flying airliner

·         A chainsaw in use

·         All of your kitchen appliances running at the same time

Snoring is a Constant Issue

The point to remember about these examples is that you are subject to them for the entire time you are trying to get rest; deep, uninterrupted, quality sleep. This is not blowing things out of proportion, talk to anyone has slept with someone who snores what it is like and you will get an earful, so be prepared to listen. Snoring is not like the

hiccups, it does not go away as suddenly as it appeared, snoring will be a persistent issue until something is done about it, or the snorer dies in their sleep.

Why Are You Reading This?

If you are reading this chances are either you, the person you spend your nights with or someone you care about snores and it is driving one of you, if not both of you absolutely crazy. Losing sleep is hugely detrimental. And it can make you feel a little crazy when you are faced with a wall of noise that stands between you and the sleep you so need and deserve, every night.

You are reading this because you are looking for a solution. You don’t want to keep snoring, or you definitely want your sleeping partner to stop snoring. Don’t get the impression that this is a brochure for snore resolving surgery, it is not. This book provides some very simple answers and solutions that can make all the difference in the world; these solutions have not only eradicated snoring, but are actually life savers.
These non surgical solutions can get back the sleep you need as someone who snores, or as a person who sleeps with someone who snores; either way the will be more sound sleep to go around.
Before proceeding, we need to take the time to understand snoring at its most basic level; the physical components involved in the process. Once we understand how snoring works we can delve deeper into looking at it’s problematic nature. At this point we will study the harmful process of snoring, the negative effects it has and what it represents in the human body.
Once we understand what snoring is and what it can mean, we can then proceed into how to remedy the snoring dilemma. When it comes to solutions to biological processes, understanding the surgical procedures first; in order to understand how and why this option to snore resolution is a risky decision and in many cases does not help at all.

By the end of all this reading, you perception of snoring will be drastically changed; snoring will not be funny or acceptable for you or anyone you care about.

Can snoring ruin your marriage?


Today,on how to do things sharp sharp blog,we are going to be focusing on how to stop and avoid SNORING.

It happened to my cousin. It was a pitiable experience because I wondered; can snoring really cause a divorce between a supposedly happy couple? I was shell-shocked. My cousin is a heavy snorer. Yes, we know that, but we never knew what awaits us when he eventually married.
The wife called me and told me she was done with the marriage. She told me she cannot cope with the heavy snoring of my cousin. A marriage that was consummated just one month ago was in tatters because of-Infidelity? No. Lies and deceit? No. It was because of snoring.

Though we rallied round and sought help and solutions, we could salvage the marriage. Though there are countless solutions to snoring as proffered by https://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/guide/snoring however, the articles I am presenting will answer the following questions which are often ignored:
    What are the subtle means that could cause snoring that is easily overlooked?
     How snoring feeling can be noticed and subjugated immediately? 
    The risk factors that could trigger snoring? 
    Tips and steps that will guide you. 

The Scope
Occasional snoring can be normal depending on your situations, such as when you have a cold, but regular snoring had health implications, some of them which can be serious.

I will focus on:
    How you can regain back your ‘sleep’. 
    Losing sleep is hugely detrimental. And it can make you feel a little crazy when youØ face a wall of noise that stands between you and the sleep you so need and deserve, every night. 
    I would outline non-surgical procedures that can get back the sleep you need as someone who snores, or as a person who sleeps with someone who snores; either way, there will be more sound sleep to go around.

Stay tuned on this blog as we unfold all the strategies for you.